OK everyone, our next adventure begins...
The Hot Rod, Hot Dog event!
We are proposing a Cruise/ Poker Rally / BBQ!
Date Sept 7/2024
Where? Meet at Leduc Weigh station 10:30 AM... depart to Mulhurst at 11 AM to begin the fun!
Why? Because we love to flaunt our rides and for FUN!
The route: head south on Hwy2 to 616, turn west & head to member Marcs home @ 4701 Thomson Court; that will be our starting point . The cruise will take us around the lake with various stops and card pick up, with 2 opportunities for GAS. No construction, good roads... should take about an hour and a bit depending how long each stop takes. The event will culminate with a simple but savoury HOT DOG BBQ on Marc’s Property that he graciously has offered .
Please RSVP below - click that big RED button below
P.S. The map on the left shows the planned route as well as the stops